Cardboard Boat Regatta
A competition where teams design and build cardboard boats to race
After making it’s grand return last year, the Cardboard Boat Regatta is back again in 2025! Join us out at Robbins Lake for an exciting competition on June 28th! Competitors will navigate an “out and back” course starting and ending on the bank. The race format will see head-to-head heats of two boats, with each run timed to completion. The team with the fastest time to finish the route, will be the 2025 Cardboard Boat Regatta Winner! The Regatta is open to teams comprised of between two and eight participants (at least 16 years old) per boat. Teams are encouraged to get creative and have themed boats while adhering to design requirements.
Entry: This is a FREE event to attend!
Following the race, swing over to Newbo for a full day of events at our Patriotic Fest (more information coming soon)!
Schedule of Events
8:00 AM: Team check-in
9:00 AM: Exhibition races
9:30 AM: General competitions
11:00 AM: Awards ceremony (immediately following races)
On June 28, 2025, participants must attend the 8:30 AM pre-race meeting. Races will begin promptly at 9 AM. All consent and waiver forms must be signed prior to racing. Ages 16+ are welcome to participate, ALL minors MUST have a parent or guardian there to sign a waiver.
Boat Classes:
Class I: boats that are made entirely out of corrugated cardboard and propelled by canoe paddles, oars, or kayak paddles
Competitor Classes:
Exhibition Races: (no fee - please contact
General Competitions: ($40 registration fee)
Team: 2-8 people (16+)
The course will entail an “out and back” circuit from the marked starting bank, around the designated buoy in Robbins Lake near the community gardens, and back to the starting bank.
The race format will be head-to-head heats of two (2) boats. Each run will be timed to completion or to the point that the vessel is overcome.
The 3 fastest competitors - complete the course or longest times afloat if no competitors finish for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place.
Pride of the Regatta - (Most creative use of cardboard)
Vogue Award - (Most spectacular looking boat)
Best Dressed Team Award
Team Spirit Award - (the looks of the boat don’t count - enthusiasm does!)
Titanic Award - (Most spectacular sinking)
Most Patrioticption textgoes here
The safety of the participants, spectators, staff, and competitors is the number one priority and will be treated as such for all races. No consumption of alcoholic beverages before or during the race is permitted. Race officials reserve the right to disqualify any entries whose participants are suspected to be under the influence.
Each boat may contain only human participants (no dogs or other animals are permitted in boats during the race).
All participants must be able to swim.
No more than 8 participants per boat, and a minimum of 2 participants.
It is mandatory for all competitors to wear a coast guard approved personal flotation device (PFD) as well as closed-toe foot protection.
During competition, competitors must remain visible, seated or kneeling in the boat until crossing the finish line, not towing it, or holding it between their legs, swimming, or allowing the lifejacket to provide floatation for the vessel.
Each participant must be at least 16 years of age, and minors must have a parent/ guardian present to sign waiver.
Teams may have as many helpers as needed to assist with launching or landing their vessel. All helpers will be required to clear the launch area once the boats are in the water.
All competitors are responsible for removing their boat and boat items from the water as well as ensuring that their portion of the pit area has been cleaned prior to departure on race day. Dumpsters will be provided to dispose of boat remnants.
It is the competitor’s responsibility to act in a sportsman-like fashion, avoid collisions in all standard races and obey the rules and safety guidelines. Overly aggressive contact and/or unsportsmanlike conduct will not be tolerated, examples include but are not limited to: purposely obstructing or interfering with another competitor, causing damage or bodily harm to another competitor or vessel, splashing or attempting to swamp/overwhelm another vessel in standard races, or any use of profane language toward any persons or competitor.
Violating these rules or engaging in actions deemed to jeopardize the health and safety of other competitors will result in immediate disqualification, no refunds will be issued, and competitors may be stripped of any awards at the sole discretion of event organizers.
Boats must be made of corrugated cardboard. No metal, wood, plastic, rubber, Styrofoam, fiberglass or inflatable devices allowed. No pre-treated cardboard or reinforced cardboard tubes are allowed.
Duct tape may be used to reinforce seams, but at least 50% of the vessel’s surface must be visible or painted cardboard - the entire boat CANNOT be wrapped in duct tape.
The boat may be sealed with varnish, paint or polyurethane. NO FLEX SEAL! (All sealants must be completely dry prior to race). Please consider environmentally friendly products when using paints or sealants.
No nails, metal/wood fasteners, or staples may be used in the construction of the boat (small amounts may be used for removable decoration only).
No motors or sails allowed. Participants can use their own paddles or, for those who do not have access to one, the Freedom Festival will provide wooden oars for use.
The crew compartment CANNOT be fully enclosed or rise above the shoulders of the competitors so as to interfere with escape. It should, however, fully contain all competitor appendages/limbs.
All boats must display the team name at least 6-inches tall on both sides of the vessel so as to be visible to the judges.
Be creative… Boat decorations may be made from any material but may not be used to reinforce the actual structure of the boat, provide additional floatation, or create a fire or safety hazard. Decorations may be removed prior to racing as long as the final vessel still meets all requirements here in.
Crew costumes are encouraged! Costumes must not aid in the flotation or propulsion of the boat and must fit under your personal flotation device (PFD).
Boats are subject to inspection and disqualification for each violation of the rules. Rules are subject to change at the sole discretion of event organizers.