Try DockDogs
A non-competitive opportunity to see if your dog is a good fit for the sport of DockDogs
Returning again in 2025 is “Let’s Try DockDogs” (pre-registration required!) If you've ever wondered about unleashing the untapped potential of your canine companion, here's your golden opportunity! We invite you to join us in the thrilling world of DockDogs before the seasoned professionals take the docks.
A team is made up of a handler and a canine, and you are a TEAM, you each have a role to play. Because of this, the registration is for a single team, not one person, many dogs, many persons of the same family and their many dogs; just one DockDogs team.
Try DockDogs will be taking place in the Czech Village area in 2025. Sign up as a team to try out the competition or just come on out to enjoy the show on June 26th starting at 5:00 PM!
The Let’s Try group of handlers who will be working with your dog are comprised of competitors from around the Midwest who have many years and many championships under their belts in a variety of dog sports and DockDogs. Listen to them, the advice they give is because they have seen what works and what doesn’t. Never competed before? No problem! Try DockDogs is designed for that very reason. Sign up and try something new with your furry friend this year!